Hold Your Head High: Praise as Your Weapon in Life's Battles
October 11th, 2024
Life often feels like a battlefield. We face challenges on multiple fronts—struggles within ourselves, conflicts in relationships, and even spiritual warfare. It can feel overwhelming, and sometimes w...  Read More
by Media Team
The Power of Friendship: Lessons from Mark 2:1-5 on Building a Godly Circle
September 21st, 2024
In today’s fast-paced world, it’s essential to evaluate the company we keep. The friends we surround ourselves with play a critical role in shaping our paths and influencing our spiritual journeys.In ...  Read More
by Renovation Church Buffalo
Embracing a Godly Life: The Key to Divine Provision and Protection
September 18th, 2024
In the quest for a meaningful and fulfilling life, many of us seek ways to align ourselves with God's will. If you've ever wondered how to achieve this, the Bible provides clear guidance. Specifically...  Read More
by Renovation Church
The Power of Faith: Why Believing in God's Promises Matters
September 7th, 2024
Our journey with faith often boils down to one crucial question: Do we truly believe in God's promises? It's not about questioning His ability or His will for our lives but about whether we genuinely ...  Read More
by Renovation Church Buffalo
Building Unity: Embracing Our Identity as Children of God Amidst Division
August 31st, 2024
In today’s climate, it's easy to get caught up in the divisive rhetoric that pervades our culture. We see the labels and the categories: white, black, American, Latino, Latina, and so many more. Each ...  Read More
by Renovation Church Buffalo
Get Off the Boat: The Call to Obey God's Instructions
August 26th, 2024
Based on Jonah 1:1-17 Every day, we face decisions—some conscious, some subconscious. We often choose to follow our own desires rather than adhering to God's instructions. This tendency to act on our ...  Read More
by Renovation Church Buffalo