Building Unity: Embracing Our Identity as Children of God Amidst Division

Embracing Our True Identity and Warnings Against Division 

In today’s climate, it's easy to get caught up in the divisive rhetoric that pervades our culture. We see the labels and the categories: white, black, American, Latino, Latina, and so many more. Each of these labels has its place, but before any of these identities, we are first and foremost children of God called to live out this identity in a world rife with division and discord. This fundamental truth should be our guiding principle, especially in times when division seems to be the dominant narrative.
Jude 1:19-20 warns us against such divisions: "These people are the ones who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit." The Bible cautions us about those who cause discord by following their own ungodly desires. We must remain vigilant, refusing to let these divisions distract us from our true purpose. These verses remind us that we are not to be divisive people. They warn against the natural instincts of those who seek to divide us, driven by their own desires rather than by the Spirit of God. We are called to rise above these divisive tendencies and focus on building each other up.

Navigating a Divisive Culture and Reflecting Christ in Our Interactions

The current climate seems intent on pitting people against one another. Social media and everyday interactions are rife with disputes that often feel more about affirming sides than about genuine dialogue. In this chaotic environment, it's easy to lose sight of our core mission: to love one another and to build each other up. Our primary role as Christians is not to engage in political debates but to focus on spiritual growth, prayer, and guiding others towards eternal life. While political opinions and social issues are relevant, they should never overshadow our call to preach the gospel and demonstrate Christ's love. America and the world are temporary, but the message of salvation is eternal.
As believers, our responsibility is to reflect Christ in all we do, regardless of our personal preferences or the opinions of others. This means showing love and compassion even to those who oppose us. It is not about agreeing with everyone or conforming to their beliefs, but about embodying the love of Christ in our interactions. Jesus himself faced persecution and misunderstanding, yet he responded with love and forgiveness.

Our primary role as Christians is not to engage in political debates but to focus on spiritual growth, prayer, and guiding others towards eternal life.

Building Each Other Up in Faith and Responding with Mercy and Discernment

Jude 1:20 calls us to "build each other up in your Most Holy Faith" and to "pray in the power of the Holy Spirit." Building each other up means more than just offering kind words; it involves actively encouraging one another in faith, supporting each other's spiritual growth, and being a source of strength in challenging times. It means fostering an environment where people are uplifted in their relationship with God and empowered to live out their faith.

Jude 1:22-23 highlights the importance of showing mercy: "Be merciful to those who doubt; snatch others from the fire and save them; to others show mercy mixed with fear—hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh." We are called to approach those whose faith is wavering with compassion and patience, helping them navigate their struggles while remaining cautious of the sins that may entangle them.

This mercy should be balanced with discernment. It's not about condoning sin but about guiding others away from paths that lead to spiritual harm. As we do this, let’s remember that our goal is not to condemn but to rescue and restore.
When faced with difficulties or disagreements, especially in our daily interactions, we must remember our duty to build up rather than tear down. This applies to our workplaces, our communities, and even within our own families. How we respond to those who challenge or upset us reflects our commitment to living out our faith. It is a call to approach conflicts with grace and understanding, always aiming to be a positive influence.

Relying on the Holy Spirit and Acting as Watchmen

The power of the Holy Spirit is crucial in navigating these challenges. There will be moments when our personal will conflicts with God's will, and in such times, we need to rely on the Holy Spirit to guide us. Our own desires and emotions can often lead us astray, but through prayer and spiritual discernment, we align ourselves with God's plan.

We are called to be vigilant and proactive in our faith, acting as "Watchmen on the wall" to protect and guide those around us. This sometimes involves making tough decisions and taking a stand for what is right, even when it's uncomfortable. Our goal is to rescue others from the destructive paths and to help them find their way back to God's loving embrace.

Confronting Sin with Love and Keeping Focus on the Eternal

We must remember that hating sin, not people, is key. We are to confront and reject the sin that corrupts lives, but we must always do so with love and compassion. The example of Jesus, who mingled with sinners and tax collectors to show them a path to redemption, should inspire us. His approach was about making people feel valued and loved, helping them transform rather than feeling condemned.
Ultimately, our mission transcends the temporary divisions of this world. Jude 1:21 urges us to "keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life." Our focus should be on the eternal, not the fleeting conflicts of our time. By keeping ourselves anchored in God’s love, we ensure that our actions reflect His grace and truth, rather than the divisive spirit of the age.

“Keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.” – Jude 1:21


In summary, as we navigate today’s challenging landscape, let’s hold fast to our identity as children of God. Build each other up in faith, respond with mercy, and keep our eyes on the eternal. Through this approach, we can effectively counteract the divisive schemes of the enemy and reflect the unity and love that God desires for His people.

Practical Steps to Live Out Our Faith in a Divisive World

  1. Engage in Regular Prayer and Reflection: Set aside time daily to pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit. Reflect on how you can embody Christ’s love in your interactions with others.
  2. Practice Active Listening: In conversations, especially those that are contentious, focus on listening to understand rather than to respond. This helps foster genuine dialogue and mutual respect.
  3. Encourage and Support Others: Look for opportunities to build up those around you. Offer words of encouragement, provide support in their spiritual journey, and be a source of strength in challenging times.
  4. Show Mercy with Discernment: When interacting with those struggling with their faith or engaged in sinful behavior, approach them with compassion but also with discernment. Guide them gently while upholding the truth.
  5. Stand Firm in Your Faith: Be proactive in living out your faith, even when it’s uncomfortable. Stand up for what is right and make decisions that align with God’s will.
  6. Focus on the Eternal: Keep your perspective on eternal truths rather than temporary conflicts. Allow your actions and attitudes to be guided by the promise of eternal life in Christ.

1 Comment

Cory Smith - August 31st, 2024 at 1:42pm

Thank you for taking the time to write this blog. It is quite insightful and encourages me to examine myself. As a tenured believer, my prayer is that all of my labor is not in vain.